Polypropylene (PP) is a group thermoplastically weldable plastics, which are characterized by high hardness, rigidity and heat resistance.
PP is a relatively young plastic. It was founded in 1954 for the first time synthesized by the scientist Giulio Natta in Italy and manufactured industrially.
The synthesis is based on the Ziegler -Natta polymerization. PP is similar to the low-pressure polyethene, a thermoplastic with high stability and chemical resistance. However, it is much harder and more heat resistant. It can be heated to 140 ° C in the short term. Coffee makers and kettles are usually made of PP.
Further fields of application are similar to those of polyethene: packaging materials in the household, housing and components of electrical household appliances, suitcase shells, automobile components, bottles, sheets and many other plastic items are made of PP.