Schiesser Lexicon - Surface Formation - Knitted Binding - Single Surface or Right/Left Goods


Depending on the position of the needles, right meshes are created on one side and left meshes on the other side. The thread progress is horizontal.
Same needle position = same meshes.

The resulting material has a clear recognizable right and left side – one calls it single surface – or even right/left binding. A typical right/left fabric for day and night underwear is the favorite Single-Jersey.

Single Jersey is smooth, not spreadable but less elastic than right/right goods.

Frottee (right/left handle plush) has a knitted side on one side and twines of the other side. The twine side is worn on the outside (visual appearance) and even on the inside (absorbance and warmth).

Handle plush is soft, warming and with a slight massaging effect.

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