Buttocks spread, legs crossed above waist
Stretching the gluteal muscle (gluteus minimus) and the middle gluteal muscle (gluteus medius )
Starting position
On your back with legs crossed so that one foot rests crosswise on the other thigh.
Grasp around the knee, pull your thigh toward your chest and slowly exhale.
Things to remember
Relax your back somewhat so that the buttocks rest on the ground.
Rotation of the lumbar / thoracic spine with chest stretching
Stretching the large chest muscle (pectoralis major), the erector spinae muscles (erector trunci) and the outer hip muscles
Starting position
On your side. Knee and hip are flexed slightly more than 90° outward.
The bottom hand holds the upper thigh in place at about 90° on the ground. The shoulder girdle is rotated away from the hip by attempting to bring both shoulder blades to the ground. An external rotation of the upper arm further stretches the chest muscles.
Rotation of the lumbar / thoracic spine with chest stretching, legs crossed without arm movement
Stretching the spinal extensors (erector trunci) and the outer hip muscles
Starting position
On your back with legs raised. The arms are stretched outward.
The legs are crossed and rotated to each side, one at a time.
On your back, knee at your chest, leg stretching outward
Stretching the leg flexor muscles (hamstring)
Starting position
While in a supine position, pull one leg as far as possible towards the chest. Hold your thigh in place by firmly grasping your knee.
Stretch the lower thigh until you feel a significant contraction in the hamstring . In order to increase the stretch even further, you can pull your foot and toes toward you.
Things to remember
If possible, keep the thigh to the chest
Pull heel to buttocks while kneeling
Stretching the loin - iliacus muscle - (iliopsas) and the front thigh muscles (quadriceps)
Starting position
With one knee on the ground, lean forward and place the other foot on the ground in front of your body.
Grip your rear leg above the ankle and pull your heel to your buttocks. While doing so, exhale and tense your buttocks on the same side.
Things to remember
Tense your back to keep from shifting the pelvis upright.
Pull heel to buttocks – on your belly (also possible while kneeling)
Stretching the front thigh (quadriceps)
Starting position
Lying on your belly with your legs together.
Hold one leg just above the ankle and pull the heel towards your buttocks.
Things to remember
Avoid lifting hips off of the floor